“You will have to change your profession 5 times…”

    Once upon a time when I was a teenager somebody said something about the ‘future of jobs’ in a context of such rapid progress around us… and I realized that probably I will have to change profession over the course of my life… maybe even several times… My wife says that in her high school class a teacher even said to them: “Kids, you will have to change your profession 5 times in your lifetime.” - or something to that effect. Little did we know…
    As time was going on I became: a Physicist, a Programmer, a Data Scientist, a Small Business Owner, a Futures Broker, a Financier, a co-founder of the first… (maybe not, but we didn’t know that the other ones existed in 1998) ‘e-money’ system, an online Derivatives Exchange CEO and architect, an American Software Company owner/CEO, a ‘start-up founder’, a Data Scientist again…
    Now, the 2023 came with the explosion of language models, that reshuffled all the “high-tech world” and its’ hierarchies… Time to move on! Decision made! But ‘moving on’ requires a miniscule detail… the name of my future profession/occupation. It’s hard to expect this name to be invented by the ‘founding fathers’ of Large Language Models and ‘AI startups’, most of them (besides a handful) do not possess the necessary level of mental development to invent a term of this degree of generality, the “handful” is busy with working really hard on what they want. The working name for this profession that the daring programmers have assigned to themselves was ‘prompt engineer’, which I consider to be technical, demeaning and very offensive ‘name’ for a person who possesses the ability to come up with the methodologically, philosiphically and linguistically ‘right’ questions and elucidate the vague and contradictory responses of the ‘AI’ for human consumers of its’ all-enveloping ‘wisdom’ based on misappropriated knowledge of the humankind. So, as it turns out, not only you have to change profession several times, but (!!!):

You have to invent the name of your next profession!

    Yes! It looks like going forward you will have to invent a name for your new profession yourself… every time. Well… I though about it myself, I considered the multiple options offered by ChatGPT, Bard, Claude (all in vain by the way), I finally came up with my own version, which my wife approved. The name of my next profession will be:

AI Dialogue Facilitator

The AI Dialog Facilitator performs the following tasks:

  • Formulates tasks for the AI model(s) used by the company, ensuring a reasonable expectation of success.
  • Collects and organizes materials and data to provide descriptive context and documented precedents for interactions with the company’s AI.
  • Recommends the appropriate form of interaction with AI for each task, such as one-on-one dialogue, group conversation with AI, or multilateral conversation involving multiple copies of AI with adversarial instructions and one or more humans.
  • Sets up and moderates the course of all these types of interactions, documenting the stages of conversations, AI responses, and momentary decisions made by the human participants.

The AI Dialog Facilitator reports directly to the CEO, President, or Chairman of the board.