“Who is an AI Dialogue Facilitator?”

    I like the job description that I created several months ago most. It explains the process well and makes the idea of this job clear.

    As an AI Dialogue Facilitator I engage with AI on behalf of a client. 
    I select the most suitable models, methods of interaction, and implement 
    necessary software tools. Subsequently, together with the customer 
    I lead the dialogue, interpret and communicate interim outcomes, and 
    iterate the process as needed to attain a concrete outcome.

    AI Dialog Facilitator performs the following tasks:
    * Formulates tasks for the AI model(s) used by the company, ensuring a 
      reasonable expectation of success.
    * Collects and organizes materials and data to provide descriptive context 
      to and documented precedents for interactions with the company’s AI.
    * Recommends the appropriate form of interaction with AI for each task, 
      such as one-on-one dialogue, group conversation with AI, or multilateral 
      conversation involving multiple copies of AI with adversarial instructions
      and one or more humans.
    * Sets up and moderates the course of all these types of interactions, 
      documenting the stages of conversations, AI responses, and momentary 
      decisions made by the human participants.

“How to demonstrate that you are a capable AI Dialogue Facilitator?”

    Now, the question is, what is the best way to show that you are a real AI Dialogue Facilitator? “Elementary, Watson!”, ask the AI how to show that you are an AI Dialogue Facilitator! Let’s do just that!

Alex: I am an AI Dialogue Facilitator. What is the best way to demonstrate my skills to a potential employer/client?"

ChatGPT: To demonstrate your skills effectively to a potential employer or client:
1. Showcase your ability to formulate clear and achievable tasks for AI models, emphasizing problem-solving and goal-oriented thinking.
2. Provide examples of how you collect and organize relevant materials and data to enhance AI interactions, demonstrating your attention to detail and research capabilities.
3. Highlight your expertise in recommending the most suitable form of interaction with AI for each task, emphasizing adaptability and understanding of diverse communication contexts.
4. Demonstrate your proficiency in setting up and moderating various types of interactions, showcasing your communication and facilitation skills, as well as your ability to document and analyze outcomes effectively.

Gemini: Absolutely! Here are the best ways to demonstrate your skills as an AI Dialogue Facilitator:
Portfolio: Create a detailed portfolio showcasing successful projects. Include challenges faced, the methodologies you used, and the positive outcomes for the client. Quantify impacts with metrics when possible (e.g., time saved, improved decision-making accuracy).
Demonstrations: Offer brief but live demonstrations of your workflow with an AI model. Highlight your ability to formulate tasks, interpret results, and iterate the process to achieve clear goals.
Technical Blog: Maintain a blog discussing trends in AI dialogue, technical solutions you’ve developed or contributed to, and highlight insights from your experiences. This establishes your thought leadership.
Client Testimonials: If possible, secure short testimonials or recommendations from previous clients emphasizing your problem-solving, communication, and ability to achieve impactful results with AI.
Networking in AI Communities: Actively participate in online forums or industry events for AI professionals. Showcase your knowledge and passion while staying ahead of new developments.

Claude: Here is a concise suggestion for demonstrating your AI Dialogue Facilitator skills to potential employers or clients:
Prepare a portfolio highlighting your experience facilitating human-AI interactions. Include concrete examples such as dialogue transcripts, data preparation documents, recommendations on interaction formats, and summaries of outcomes. Offer to perform a demonstration by engaging company representatives and AI models in a sample consultation or ideation session tailored to their needs. Focus on listening to objectives, clarifying expectations, recommending approaches, mediating the discussion, and presenting takeaways. Emphasize adaptability and commitment to iterative refinement of techniques for optimal results.

I think I will prepare the portfolio that Claude suggested first.